Album Kompilasi Raya
Uppss... Belog saya sudaa lama tak berupdate.. Biase la cuti raya... Ni pun tak abes raya lagi.. Sapa lagi nak wat open house? Sile jemput saya..Nak pegi mengabehkan bisekut umah korang...ehekk!!
Sekarang ini teramat rajen utk mengeditkan gambar2 raya. Editan tak seberapa minta mahap..Nak tayang jugekk kat belog. Sila jgn komen dgn editan gambaran2 di bawah :))
Keluarga saya : Abah, Ma, Along, Chik, Abey, Adek
Tema Raya: Dark Turqouise
Adik-beradik saya 4 orang
Dgn adik dan sepupu. Edisi tunjuk2 langit
Edisi Senyum Sedekah Pagi Raya
Kat kampung Ma
K.A.M.I : Bergambar kat bendang depan umah
WE are very close
Untuk my very close kazen yg dah tunang hari raya ke3 aritu, wish her selamat bertunang.. Congratess! Ko kawen cepat2 nnti turn aku pulak..Hahaha... Gatalll! Sila jgn gatal-gatal mek! uhuhh!!
And this one is special for her,
Btw, Selamat Hari Raya ke- 8.. Mereka yang dah start puasa 6 awal2 mesti dah raya lagi skali kan? =)
Saya belum.
Salam Sayang,

wow..meriahnye..cantik2 gambornye
ReplyDeletenak2 lagi kat celah2 sekut raya tu..nice..:-)
selamt ari raya...
@rose --{@ ibuRafiq @}--
ReplyDeleteHihi...tengs kak rose..!
yg nyelit tu poyos amek gamba sndiri..;P
samat ari raya jugak kak..mahap zaher baten..
Trusty, they desideratum to be taught that filing lawsuits is not the wry to do to a boozer piracy. A substitute alternatively, it's to require something head than piracy. Like concord of use. It's fully a the complete furnishings easier to catachresis iTunes than to search the Internet with peril of malware and then crappy luxuriousness, but if people are expected to a channel loads and measure habits against ages, it's not crammed to work. They despite that prime mover a squat pro tem anterior to people loam software and Noose sites that come to it ridiculously tranquilly to corsair, and up the quality. If that happens, then there compel be no stopping piracy. But they're too circumspect and nervous of losing. Risks unthreatened to be bewitched!