Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
come the yellow come to me!
Go away RED
Go away GREEN
i dun want RED
i dun want GREEN
All i need is YELLOW
the one for me!
Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
My hero is coming
come to me
yummmy yummy
u are the one
u look sooow tempting!!
Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
stay here
right beside me!
wink wink
Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
dun worry
Paul will choose both
u n me
Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
p/s::finish all.thanks digi n nuff.
ok guys.. my new entry for DIGI third task.
First. moh kita nengok plan dari DIGI yang tertera di bawah ni.. *zoom untuk kesan yang berkesan*
Terkejutkan macam mana DIGI boleh bagi harga terendah sebanyak RM58 untuk plan iDIGI 88? Sila percaya..!
Actually, DIGI offers three new plans for their customers;
iDiGi 88
iDiGi 138
iDiGi 238
And what I love about DiGi iPhone 4 Plans is becoz it offers suitable rate that fit me much. Yes, Im not a postpaid user yet. Currently stick to prepaid plan. However, after seeing the postpaid packages from DIGI, it makes me hesitating to use prepaid anymore!
Yup! FnF gimme funs! I love to have extra-extra-extra talks with my Mom and Dad. My gurlfwens my boyfwens extra-extra! heh! That rate is sow incredible for me laaah! Talk more, pay less with DIGI.
Jum juget-juget gumbira!
Btw, for more details please visit DIGI a.s.a.p!
Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
u both looks sooow tempting!
wait wait wait! and waittt uhh..
got sumtin more GORGEOUS for me!
Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
Owsshhhh...u look more GORGEOUS than they see
with u i can call my femili
my frens my clicks as i tell u
and of course my boyfie*teeeeetttt*
not even call but i wish them to see me
with DIGI iPHONE no problemo, yippieeee!
Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
U will make my life easier
Like a model I want u to catch me
DIGI iPHONE capture, keef 'em for me
Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
DIGI iPHONE please come to me
Tulis surat cinta also maybe?
Then they can't said I am not updating
Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
I lap u and u lap me!!
wink wink
Yo guys!
Interested in DIGI iPHONE 4? Why not trying this contest. For more info do visit DIGI.
Its awesome! DIGI iPHONE 4 will make our life easier rite.! Lagi cunn, lagi kurus..upss thinner I mean and will let u to record videos in stunning high definition..puasss hati! Plus, no more 'kong kong' battery la beb like my phone skarang nie, nak call lama2 tara boleh maaa...aiyyoo! GO iPHONE 4! GO DIGI!! Pomm Pomm!
So, best of luck to me and fwens, wish me luck oso uh! ;P Have fun ols!!
p/s:: ai malu bila muka tertayang kat
iklan DIGI ni! Ahaks!

Cuba korang klik kat tajuk posting atau mana2 yg ader link.warna dia berubah-ubah kan.ader yg berkenan.mai kita buat.yang dah tahu dok diam.mana yg belum buat lagi, moh kite.. :)
pergi Dashboard >Layout>Edit HTML
sebelum tu,download full template kot2 tak jadi ilang semua.
Then cari
Pastekan kod di bwah exactly sebelum kod di atas :
<script type='text/javascript'>
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// Don't you think Color Gamut to look like Rainbow?
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Kalu nak warna tu bertukar dgn cepat atau perlahan, ejas