Khidmat Masyarakat - Kehilangan Siti Syakirah


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::Bantu-membantu amalan mulia::

Mystery Giveaways!!

Okkeh.... Hai semua.. Salam Sejahtera dan Assalamualaikum...

Wahhh... Skema rama la plak.. HAHA...

Okkeh... Hari ni jalan-jalan usha belog kawan-kawan dan I found this belog, name

yang sedang organize mystery giveaway kpd semua readersnya.

Bila tengok semua pakat dok join, rasa tercabar la plak.. ( ader ker boleh rasa camtu?? tak patot tak patot). Tapi aku nak join jgak! Tak kira! Tak kira! Saper tak nak free gift kan?? Ewahh.. Mengade kau eh mak cik! Barang free nak je.. ;) I nakkk!! Tenyumm simpul-simpul malu.. Ewahhh!!

dia mudah je tau! Senang utk readers follow. Jom tengok rules dia :

1. Become my follower on this site and state your follower ID.
! I dah become follower with ID : Che’Da!

2. Next, go to my blogshop Makeup Haven Vanity and name me 3 items which are available there.
!Owner ask kita to visit Makeup Haven Vanity , find the products there and name it. So, please name it correctly. Here I name the 3 items ( Sure betol nie... ) :
i- ELF Studio Complexion Perfection ii- NYX Concealer Jar iii- NYX Powder Blush

3. For an additional entry, blog about this giveaway on your own site.
!Belog sesedap rasa. Wat ayat2 bodek boley tak ek?Ke kena reject? Melepas laa…!

4.Don't forget to include your name, email address and of course your blog URL if you blog about it at the comment box.
!I dah tinggalkan jejak dah kat comment box!
5. You're done! Winner will be contacted within 48 hours after contest ends.
! Agak2 dapat ke tak neh…Tunggu je la!


So EASY kan….

- Heboh la n join ramai2 kat belog ni

Cool bebeh!!